Verma et al. (2016): Does Relationship Marketing Matter in Online Retailing? A Meta-Analytic Approach

5 important questions on Verma et al. (2016): Does Relationship Marketing Matter in Online Retailing? A Meta-Analytic Approach

What are the two goals of the paper by Verma et al. (2016)?

  1. Extend the relationship marketing framework (domain: online retailing)
  2. Identify strategies for relationship building (with online customers)

What are the antecedents, mediators, moderators and consequences for online relationship marketing used in the paper by Verma et al. (2016)?

These are the same and build on the paper and framework by Palmatier et al. (2006) about Relationship Marketing
  • One difference: Of the dyadic antecedents only communication and silimarity were taken into account

Of what factors is customer loyalty the consequence?

  • Relationship satisfaction
  • Relationship quality
  • Trust
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Which three antecedents have the greatest impact and are the factors that marketers can control directly in order to build strong relationships with their consumers?

  • Relationship similarity
  • Seller expertise
  • Relationship investment

What are the three key insights from the paper by Verma et al. (2016)?

  1. Similarity and seller expertise have the strongest impact on relational mediators
  2. Word of mouth was most strongly related to relationship marketing efforts
  3. It offers practical managerial implications to implement an online relationship marketing strategy

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