Rust et al. (2021): Real-Time Brand Reputation Tracking Using Social Media

13 important questions on Rust et al. (2021): Real-Time Brand Reputation Tracking Using Social Media

In which part of the roadmap fits this article?

In this article it's about tracking information, thus the transition from operational to organizational performance.
  • So, the financial market performance part

What is the main question in the paper by Rust et al. (2021) and what is the answer?

How can we know what stakeholders think and feel about brands in real time and over time?

Brand reputation measures must:
  1. Capture the voice of the stakeholders
  2. Reflect important brand events in real time
  3. Connect to a brand’s financial value to the firm.

What develops the paper by Rust et al. (2021)?

This article develops a new social media–based brand reputation tracker by mining Twitter comments for the world’s top 100 brands, on a weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis.
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Explain the conceptual model provided in the Rust et al. (2021) paper.

This model is displaying the sources of brand reputation, which are:
  • Corporate Reputation
  • Customer Equity
  • Brand Equity

How can brand reputation be defined and what are the four characteristics?

The overall impression of how stakeholders think, feel, and talk about a brand.
  • It is about all stakeholders, not just the current or potential customers
  • It has thinking, feeling, and talking components
  • It can reflect actual brand events
  • It connects to firm financial performance

How can corporate reputation be defined?

An overall appraisal (waardering) of a company by its stakeholders, which is the result of the company’s past actions and predictions about the company’s future

Of which components exists brand equity?

  • Brand loyalty
  • Brand awareness
  • Perceived quality
  • Brand associations, the value of constituting various assets and liabilities associated with a brand

In what respect are brand reputation and customer equity similar?

Both can be driven by the customer equity drivers and linked to firm financial performance

What is the process belonging to the Social Media Tracking Method?

  1. Theory-driven text mining
  2. Managerially actionable subdrivers
  3. Customized dictionaries
  4. Real-time brand reputation tracking
  5. Leverageable driver synergies
  6. Financially accountable brand reputation

For which three reasons is Twitter chosen in the paper of Rust et al. (2021)?

  • Most Twitter accounts are public, so this has a larger impact on public perception of the brand
  • Most brands maintain an active presence on Twitter, so conversations are updated and are accessible
  • Twitter provides a tool wich can identify conversations about the brands, this ensures precision

What is shown and calcutated by monitoring brand sentiment research?

It shows the frequencies of net, positive, and negative words, as defined in our dictionaries, and calculate the positive to negative ratio for brand reputation, drivers, and subdrivers.
  • The higher the ratio, the more positive sentiment of the reputation, drivers, and subdrivers

What are the three implications for managers?

  1. Managing the brand-value reciprocity (wederkerigheid)
  2. Managing the brand-relationship-value virtuous circle
  3. Managing brands based on drivers' temporal impact on financial returns

What are the limitatons of the research by Rust et al. (2021)?

  1. Tracker is based on Twitter tweets, but other platforms might come up
  2. Historical data are more difficult to collect
  3. There is still the need to update the usernames manually
  4. There can be more potentially actionable subdrivers (now 11 are used)

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