Palmatier et al. (2006): Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Relationship Marketing: A Meta-Analysis

17 important questions on Palmatier et al. (2006): Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Relationship Marketing: A Meta-Analysis

What is the purpose of the paper by Palmatier et al. (2006)?

The objective of meta analysis is to identify and empirically test the influence of potential moderators on the linkages in the RM model.

What is Relationship Marketing (RM)?

All marketing activities directed towards establishing, developing, and maintaining successful relational exchanges

On which two aspects is the effectiveness of RM depending?

  • Specific RM strategy
  • Exchange context
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What are the four central questions in the paper by Palmatier et al. (2006)?

  1. Which RM strategies are most effective for building customer relationships?
  2. What outcomes are most affected by customer relationships?
  3. Which moderators are most effective in influencing relationship-outcome linkages?
  4. How does the RM strategy → mediator → outcome linkage vary across different mediators?

In which three situations may relationships be more important for success of an exchange?

  • Services
  • Exchanges between channel partners
  • If a working relationship is more critical

Will customers' judgement be stronger and more confidential based on the relationship with an individual of a firm of with the firm as a whole?

Judgement will be stronger on the relationship with an individual of a firm.

What aspects are part of the RM (Relationship Management) model?

RM strategies --> Relational mediator --> Outcomes

What/who is the seller (with regards to RM)?

The seller is the party that implements the RM effort in the hope of strengthening its relationship with the customer.

What are the four relational mediators in the relationship between RM efforts and firm performance?

  • Commitment
  • Trust
  • Relationship satisfaction
  • Relationship quality

What are the three groups of antecedents mentioned in the paper of Palmatier et al. (2006) about RM?

  • Customer focused antecedents
    • Relational benefits
    • Dependence on seller
  • Seller focused antecedents
    • Relationship investment
    • Seller expertise
  • Dyadic antecedents
    • Communication
    • Similarity
    • Relationship duration
    • Interaction frequency
    • Conflict

What are the three groups of consequences (outcomes) from RM efforts?

  • Customer focused outcomes
    • Expectation of continuity
    • Word of mounth
    • Customer loyalty
  • Seller focused outcomes
    • Seller objective performance
  • Dyadic outcomes
    • Cooperation

Explain the framework provided in the Palmatier et al. (2006) paper. What is the purpose of the framework?

  • On the left, the antecendents (RM strategies) are displayed
  • On te right, the consequences (outcomes) of RM efforts are displayed
  • In the middle, the relational mediators are displayed which may explain the impact of RM on performance
  • Below, the moderators are displayed

It is a framework to help managers and researchers improve the effectiveness of their efforts.

What are the key findings with regards to the antecedents (RM strategies)?

  • RM strategies/antecedents are effective for generating strong relationships. Expertise and communication are most effective
  • The negative impact of conflict is stronger than the positive effects of any other RM strategy
  • Specific RM strategies appear most effective for strenghtening one aspect of a relationship
    • Relationship benefits, customer dependency and similarity better for increasing commitment
    • Relationship investment and frequency better for building trust

What are the key findings with regards to the outcomes of RM efforts?

  • Relationship quality has the greatest influence on objective performance, and commitment has the least
  • Relationship investment has a large and direct effect on seller objective performance, and an indirect mediated effect
  • Dependence has a large and direct effect on seller objective performance, but a small impact on relational mediators
  • Relationships have the greatest influence on cooperation and WOM and the least on objective performance

What are the key findings with regards to the moderators?

  • RM is more effective when relationships are more critical to customers
  • Customer relationships often have stronger effects on exchange outcomes when their target is an individual person then when it is a selling firm

Result: Which antecedent has the largest absolute impact on relational mediators?


What is the main conclusion of the paper by Palmatier et al. (2006)?

RM and strong relationships positively affect performance

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