Hillebrand et al. (2015): Stakeholder Marketing: Theoretical Foundations and Consequences for Marketing Capabilities

12 important questions on Hillebrand et al. (2015): Stakeholder Marketing: Theoretical Foundations and Consequences for Marketing Capabilities

In which part of the roadmap fits this article?

It is about how customers see us, so about the customer mindset part

Which focus and recognition belongs to stakeholder marketing?

  • It focuses on
    • co-creation in network relationships
    • acknowledges the potential of indirect creation of value.
  • It recognizes that
    • customer relationships may be influenced by relationships with other stakeholders
    • a diverse network of stakeholders creates value.

What are the two contributions of the paper by Hillebrand et al. (2015)?

  1. Provide perspective on marketing discipline that takes the interrelatedness of stakeholders into account: ‘Revised theoretical perspective’.
  2. Proposed set of specific capabilities that firms require in order to meet new challenges arising from complex stakeholder networks: ‘Marketing capability gap’. Requires systems, paradoxical, and democratic thinking.
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What is the definition of stakeholder theory and which other theories are related to this?

Simultaneous attention to the legitimate interests of all appropriate stakeholders.
  • May be regarded as an extension of agency theory because managers are viewed as agents not just for shareholders, but for all stakeholders.
  • Normative (theory dealing with ethics and morality of business) & Instrumental (theory dealing with effectiveness of business).

What entails the hub-and-spokes perspective?

  • Firm (hub) maintains dyadic relationships with stakeholder groups (spokes).
  • Stakeholders themselves are interrelated in networks and the current hub-and-spokes perspective does not fully reflect problems that marketing managers experience in a complex network of interrelated stakeholders. Multiplicity perspective is needed.

What is multiplicity (theory) and which two perspectives belong to it?

Assemblage, an entity that is constituted by the conjunctive
synthesis of a number of simple elements or singularities.
Two perspectives:
  1. Discrete:
    • Homogeneous and countable
    • Does not change in nature
    • No room for parellel mulitple interpretation at the same time
    • Sequentially focus on the elements as if they are independent
  2. Continuous:
    • Heterogeneous and not countable
    • Changes in nature
    • Allow different interpretations in parallel
    • Holistic view (rather than focus on individual elements)

What are the main differences between traditional marketing perspective and stakeholder marketing perspective?

Traditional marketing perspective = Stakeholder networks are viewed as discrete multiplicities
  • Interests of stakeholders are seen as independent
  • Value perceptions of stakeholders are viewed as differing in importance, with customer taking primacy
  • Value is viewed as created by the firm

Stakeholder marketing perspective = Stakeholder netwerorks are viewed as continuous multiplicities
  • Interests of stakeholders are viewed as interrelated
  • Acknowledging the value perceptions of multiple stakeholders is critical for success
  • Value is viewed as co-created with a multitude of stakeholders

Wich three transitions in marketing practice make
the traditional perspective on stakeholder networks increasingly inappropriate and propose new capabilities to deal with these transitions? (implications for practice)

  1. Type of value exchange
    • From dyadic (relational thinking) to complex (system thinking)
    • Understanding the whole stakeholder value system
  2. Tension
    • From implicit (logical thinking) to explicit (paradoxical thinking)
    • Accepting and learning from tension between stakeholder interests
  3. Control
    • From centralized (responsive thinking) to dispersed (democratic thinking)
    • Sharing control over marketing decision with a multitude of stakeholders

Which 7 propositions are mentioned in the paper by Hillebrand et al. (2015)?

  • P1: Viewing stakeholder networks as continuous multiplicities instead of discrete multiplicities.
  • P2: Stakeholder marketing provides a better understanding of stakeholder networks with high complexity of value exchange
  • P3: A central capability of stakeholder marketing is system thinking
  • P4: Stakeholder marketing provides a better understanding of stakeholder networks with high explicitness of tension
  • P5: A central capability of stakeholder marketing is paradoxical thinking
  • P6: Stakeholder marketing provides a better understanding of stakeholders networks with high dispersion of control
  • P7: A central capability of stakeholder marketing is democratic thinking

What are the 4 implications for firm performance?

  • Stakeholder marketing capabilities are unlikely to have short term and direct effect on traditional peformance measures.
    • Expect their impact to be long term and indirect.
  • System thinking:
    • Generate stronger stakeholder relationships because understanding the whole stakeholder value system lies at the root of bulding networs for shared value creation.
  • Paradoxical thinking:
    • Increase perceived fairness of firms in eyes of stakeholders because it implies taking all stakeholder issues serisously, even when they conflict
  • Democratic thinking:
    • Likely to improve stakeholder relationships, firms that share control with multiple stakeholders are likely to be perceived as more fair by their stakeholders.

What are the 5 implications for marketing theory?

  1. Stakeholder marketing goes beyond acknowledging that firms have more stakeholder groups than only customers
  2. Highlights the interdepencence between multiple relationships with a diverse set of stakeholders
  3. Revitalizes insights form the systems perspective and further these insights by taking the complexities of networks seriously
  4. Contribution to the debate on whether managing stakeholder relatinships should be a part of marketing
  5. Principle of customer primacy/customer centricity is challanged

What is the conclusion of the paper by Hillebrand et al. (2015)?

By adopting stakeholder marketing, marketers can again influence strategic decision making.

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