Advertising and PR

22 important questions on Advertising and PR

What are the 4 types of advertising?

- Product advertising (the message focuses on a specific good or service)
- Institutional advertising 
- Retail and local advertising
- Consumer-generated advertising

What is institutional advertising?

It promotes the activities, personality or point of view of an organization or company or can be used for recruitment purposes to attract potential employees to jobs.

What is advocacy advertising?

An institutional message state a firm's position on an issue to sway public opinion.
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What is public service advertisements?

It are advertisements the media run free of charge. These messages promote non-profit organizations that serve the country in some way.

What is an advertising campaign?

it is an coordinated, comprehensive plan that carries out promotion objectives and results in series of advertisements placed in media over a period of time.

What is a limited-service agency?

it provides one or more specialized services, such as media buying or creative development.

What is a full-service agency?

It provides most or all of the services needed to mount a campaign, including research, creating of ad copy and art, media selection and production of the final messages.

What are 4 departments who make the communications concept reality?

- account management
- Creative services
- Research and marketing services
- Media planning

What are the 6 steps in developing an advertising campaign?

- Identify the target audience
- Establish message and budget objectives
- Design the ads
- Test what ads will say
- Choose the media types and media schedule
- Evaluate the advertising

What is the creative strategy?

It is the process that turns a concept into an advertisement.

What is an advertising appeal?

It is the central adea of the ad.

What are the 7 major categories of media?

- Television
- Radio
- Newspapers
- Magazines
- Directories
- Out-of-home media (airships, bus ads)
- Place-based media

What are 5 ways to advertise on the internet?

- Banners
- Buttons
- Search engine optimalization
- Pop up ads
- Email

What is a media schedule?

It specifies the exact media use for the campaign as wel as when and how often the message should appear.

What is advertising exposure?

The degree to which the target market will see an advertising message in a specific medium.

What is a continuous schedule?

It maintains a steady stream of advertising throughout the year.

What is a pulsing schedule?

It varies the amount of advertising throughout the year based on when the product is likely to be in demand

What are 3 ways to measure the impact of an advertisement?

- Unaided recall, test by telephone survey if a person remembers seeing an ad during a specified period of time without giving the person a name or brand.
- Aided recall: It tests user the name of the brand and sometimes other clues to prompt answers.
- Attitudinal measures: It probe a bit more deeply by testing if consumer beliefs or feelings about a product before and after being exposed to messages about it.

What is public relations (PR)?

It is the communications function that seeks to build good relationships with an organizations publics: these include consumers, stockholders, legislators and other stakeholders in the organization.

What are the 7 objectives of public relations?

- introducing new products to manufacturers
- Introducing new products to consumers
- Influencing government legislation
- Enhancing the image of an organization
- Enhancing the image of a city, region or country
- Crisis management
- Calling attention to a firms involvement with community.

Which 5 things should be included in developing a campaign strategy?

- a statement of objectives
- A situation analysis
- Specification of target audiences, messages to be communicated and specific program elements to be used.
- A timetable and budget
- Discussion of how the programme will be evaluated.

What are the 11 public relation activities?

- Press releases.
- Internal PR
- Inverstor relations
- Lobbying
- Speech writing
- Corporate identity
- Media relations
- Sponsorships
- Special events
- Buzz building
- Advixe and consultancy

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