Segmentation, targeting, positioning and CRM

20 important questions on Segmentation, targeting, positioning and CRM

What is market fragmentation?

This occurs when people's diverse interests and backgrounds divide them into numerous different groups with distinct needs and wants. Due to this diversity, the same good or service will not appeal to everyone.

What is target marketing strategy?

Here they divide the total market into different segments based on customer characteristics, select one or more segments, and developed products to meter the needs of those specific segments.

What is segmentation variables

These represent dimensions that divide the total market into fairly homogenous groups, each with different needs and preferences.
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Who is the Generation Y?

Those born between 1977 and 1994

What is Generational marketing?

That members of a generation tend to share the same outlook and priorities.

What are 3 ways to segment consumer markets

Demographics, Psychographics and behavior.

What is an usage occasion?

When a product is associated with specific occasions, whether time of day, holiday, business function or casual get togethers.

A viable target segment should satisfy the following requirements:

- members of the segment need to be similar in needs and wants
- Measure the segment
- Can marketing communications reach it
- Can the marketeer serve the needs of the segment

What is a segment profile?

The segment profile is a description of the 'typical' customer in that segment. It may conclude customer demographics, location, lifestyle information ad a description of how frequently the customer buys the product.

What defines a undifferentiated targeting strategy?

It appeals to a broad spectrum of people.
If successful it can be very efficient because production, research and promotion costs benefit from economies of scale. It's cheaper ti develop one product or one adversing campaign than to choose several targets and create a separate products of messages for each.

What defines a differentiated targeting strategy?

it develops more products for each of several customer groups with different product needs. (E.g. L'oreal) They offer several product lines at a variety of prices.

What defines  a concentrated targeting strategy?

When a firm focuses its efforts on offering one or more products to a single segment.

What defines a custom marketing strategy?

It is a common industrial context whereby a supplier often works with one or a few large clients and develops products and services that only these clients will use, such as in the case of a design and build construction project.

What are the 4 steps of positioning decision?

1. Analyse the competitor's positions.
2. Offer a good or service with a competitive advantage.
3. Finalise the marketing mix.
4. Evaluate responses and modify as needed.

How can a marketer know the current state of the market?

by asking: What competitors are out there, and how does the target market perceive them? Aside from direct competitors in the product category, are there other products or services that provide similar benefits?

What is a perceptual map?

A vivid way to construct a picture of where products or brands are 'located' in consumers minds.

What are 4 steps in one-to-one marketing?

- Identify customers and get to know them in as much detail as possible.
- Differentiate among these customers in terms of both their needs and their value to the company.
- Interact with customers and find ways to improve cost efficiency and the effectiveness of the interaction.
- Customise some aspect of the products or services that you offer to each customer. This means treating each customer differently based on what has been learned through customer interaction.

What re characteristics of CRM?

- share of a customer
- Lifetime value of the customer
- Customer equity
- Focusing on high-value customer

What are examples for CRM?

- When you get a phone message reminding you that you have a dentist appointment the next day.
- When you can see on a site of a delivery company what the expected time of delivery is.

How can CRM be used for the share of a customer?

For example, for shoes, you can assume one shoemaker has a CRM system that allows it to send letters to its current customers inviting them to receive a special price discount or a gift if they buy more of the firm's shoe during the year.

(Share of a customer is something different than market share, it is about for i.g. the shoes how many of the same brand shoe the customer possesses)

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