Integrated Marketing Communications

20 important questions on Integrated Marketing Communications

What are the 4 points of IMC

- inform customers
- Remind customers
- Persuade consumers
- Build relationships

What is the source of IMC?

It is the organization or individual sending the message.

Why are sometimes celebrities used in campaigns?

To make the message more believable or more attractive to the consumer.
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What is a medium?

A communications vehicle used to reach members of a target audience. This can be television, radio, magazine, website blog, personal contact, a poster or even a product logo (on a free mug)

What is a receiver?

It can be any individual or organization that intercepts and interprets the message.

When happens effective communication?

It occurs only when the source and the receiver have a mutual frame of reference.

What is the control continuum?

The message that consumers receive about companies and products differ in the amount of control the marketing has over the message delivered to the consumer.

High: Advertising - Sales promotion - Personal Selling- Direct marketing- Public relations- word of mouth : Low

What are sales promotions?

Sales promotions are programs such as contests, coupons or other incentives that marketers design to build interest in or encourage purchase of a product during a specified time period.

What are 8 positive word of mouth marketing strategies?

- Encouraging communication
- Giving people something to talk about
- Creating communities and connecting people
- Working with influential communities
- Creating evangelist or advocate programs
- Researching and listening to customer feedback
- Engaging in transparent conversation
- Co-creating and information sharing

What are 7 unethical word of mout marketing strategies?

- Stealth marketing
- Shilling
- Infiltration
- Comment spam
- Defacement
- Span
- Falsification

What are the 8 characteristics of IMC?

- creating a single unified voice
- Begins with the customer
- Develop relationships with customers
- Involves two-way communication
- Focuses on stakeholders, not just customers
- Generates a continous stream of communication
- Measures results based upon actual feedback

What is database marketing?

is the creating of a relationship with a set of customers with and identifiable interest in a product or service and whose responses to promotion efforts become part of the communications process. (Online database information, used to target individuals)

What are the 6 characteristics of database marketing

- is interactive
- builds relationships
- Locates new customers
- stimulates cross-selling
- Is measurable
- Responses are trackable

What are the 5 steps in developing a IMC plan?

- Identify the target audiences
- Establish the communication objectives
- Determine and allocate the marketing communication budget
- Design the promotion mix
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the Communication program

What are the 5 steps of the  hierarchy of effects?

- Awareness
- Knowledge
- Desire
- Purchase
- Loyalty

What are 3 distinct decisions for determining and allocating communications budget?

- determining the total communications budget
- Decided whether to use a push or pull strategy
- Allocating how much to spend on specific promotion activities

What are Top-down budgeting techniques?

It requires top management to establish the overal amount that the organization allocates for promotion activities, and this about is then divided among advertising, public relations and the promotion departments.

What is percentage of sales method?

it is in which the promotion budget is based on last year's sales or in estimates for present year's sales.

What is the bottom-up budgeting techniques?

First identify promotion goals and allocate enough money to accomplish them.

What are 3 factors affecting the size of the IMC budget?

- Organisational factors
- Market potential
- Market size

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