Integrated Marketing Communications
20 important questions on Integrated Marketing Communications
What are the 4 points of IMC
- Remind customers
- Persuade consumers
- Build relationships
What is the source of IMC?
Why are sometimes celebrities used in campaigns?
- Higher grades + faster learning
- Never study anything twice
- 100% sure, 100% understanding
What is a medium?
What is a receiver?
When happens effective communication?
What is the control continuum?
High: Advertising - Sales promotion - Personal Selling- Direct marketing- Public relations- word of mouth : Low
What are sales promotions?
What are 8 positive word of mouth marketing strategies?
- Giving people something to talk about
- Creating communities and connecting people
- Working with influential communities
- Creating evangelist or advocate programs
- Researching and listening to customer feedback
- Engaging in transparent conversation
- Co-creating and information sharing
What are 7 unethical word of mout marketing strategies?
- Shilling
- Infiltration
- Comment spam
- Defacement
- Span
- Falsification
What are the 8 characteristics of IMC?
- Begins with the customer
- Develop relationships with customers
- Involves two-way communication
- Focuses on stakeholders, not just customers
- Generates a continous stream of communication
- Measures results based upon actual feedback
What is database marketing?
What are the 6 characteristics of database marketing
- builds relationships
- Locates new customers
- stimulates cross-selling
- Is measurable
- Responses are trackable
What are the 5 steps in developing a IMC plan?
- Establish the communication objectives
- Determine and allocate the marketing communication budget
- Design the promotion mix
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the Communication program
What are the 5 steps of the hierarchy of effects?
- Knowledge
- Desire
- Purchase
- Loyalty
What are 3 distinct decisions for determining and allocating communications budget?
- Decided whether to use a push or pull strategy
- Allocating how much to spend on specific promotion activities
What are Top-down budgeting techniques?
What is percentage of sales method?
What is the bottom-up budgeting techniques?
What are 3 factors affecting the size of the IMC budget?
- Market potential
- Market size
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
- Never study anything twice again
- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding