Sales promotions and sales management

15 important questions on Sales promotions and sales management

To who is sales promotion directed?

- trade (wholesalers, retailers)
- Consumers

What are the aims of sales promotion?

- increase visibility or achieve discounts (Trade
- Price based promotion or attention-getting promotion (Consumers)

What are ways to show sales promotions to traders (Wholesalers, retailers?)

- trade shows
- Incentive programmes (push money)
- (POP) Point Of Purchase displays (banners, increase visibility)
- Promotional products
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What are ways to show sales promotions to consumers?

- coupons
- samples
- contests
- bonus packs
- Premiums
- Rebates
- Frequency programs
- Brand placement

What is brand placements?

Refer to the practice of integrating specific products and brands into filmed entertainment.

- name brand product is used as a prop or a set in TV show or movie
- Increase brand awareness and image

What are the 5 types of sales people?

- Order takers (the ones you get on the phone when YOU call)
- technical specialists (know everything abt the product)
- Missionary sales people (They are the ones that get the new clients)
- Team selling
- Order getters (account manager) (They have fixed set of customers they visit/call to keep in touch with the customer)

What are the two approaches to personal selling?

- Transactional selling (Short term, pressure, immediate sale)
- Relationship selling (long term)
   - Winning customers (from prospect to customer)
   - Keeping customers (building satisfaction and loyalty)
   - Developing customers *add more value to the customer)

What  are the 7 stepson the selling process?

- prospecting and Qualifying
- pre-approach
- Approach (first contact, often telephone)
- Sales presentation (present yourself + product, what can you offer)
- Handling Objections (Giving explanation when something isn't clear)
- Close
- Follow up (Wants follow up sales, calls in between)

What is the sales force management process?

- Setting sales force objectives
- Creating a sale force strategy
- Recruiting, training and rewarding the sales force
- evaluating the sales force.

What are the 3 sales force strategies?

- Geographic sales force
- Industry specialization
- Key accounts

What are the 4 sales force compensations?

- straight commission plan (% of sales)
- Commission with dra plan (commission plus regular payment)
- Straight salary plan (set amount is paid regardless of performance)
- Quota bonus plan (salary plus bonus for sales above assigned quota)

What is trade promotion?

It focus on member of the trade, which includes distribution channel members, such as retail salespeople or wholesale distributors that a firm must work with to sell its products.

What is a price break?

It is a form of trade promotion where a manufacturer can reduce a channel partner's costs through sales promotions that discount its products.

What is merchandising allowance?

It reimburses the retailer  for it in-store support of a product, such as when a shop features an off-shelf display for a brand.

What is a sales presentation?

it lays out the benefits of the product and its advantages.

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