Services marketing

13 important questions on Services marketing

What is a service?

Services are acts, efforts or performances exchanged from a producer to a user without ownership rights.

Consumer oriented services: Drycleaning, retail travel
Business services: Consulting.

What are goods-dominated products?

Tangible products supported by supporting services.

Strategy of including a service with the purchase of physical goods

What is a core service?

A benefit that a customer gets from the service.

Exp. airplane: core: travel.
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What is a augmented services?

Are additional offerings that differentiate the firms. 

(example airplane: Frequent flier miles, sky caps, in-flight entertainments, internet access.)

What are the 3 methods to measure service quality

- servqual scale
- gap analysis
- critical incident technique

What is critical incident technique?

Technique to collect and analyse customer complaints to identify critical  incidents.

What to do when there is a service failure?

- Apologize
- resolve the problem
- Do not further inconvenience the customer.

What are equipment or facility-based services?

It are products with a mixture of tangible and intangible elements.

What are the three positions of the tangibles to the intangibles?

- Goods-dominated products
- Equipment or facility based products
- People- based products.

What are the 3 subsequent extra P's?

- People: the employees you come in contact with.
- Process: This relates to the procedures, mechanisms and routines that are put in place by organizations in a bid to deliver value to the customer .
- Physical evidence: This relates to the environment where the service is delivered and can also include any tangible cues relating to the serve on offer (how clean something looks, the layout/lightning) §

What are the physical elements of the service encounter?

- Servicescapes (the environment in which the service is delivered and where the first and the customer interact.)
- other tangibles.

What are 3 market approaches to sell a 'person/celebrity'

- Pure selling approach (represents agent to film studio, tv production, talk show etc)
- Product improvement approach (new name, new image, plastic surgery)
- Market fulfilment approach (Identify unmet need, develop a new product)

What are experience qualities?

It are product attributes that customers can determine during or after consumption.

Example: can't predict how good a holiday we'll have until we experience is, so marketers need to reassure customers Before the dacht that they are in for  good time.

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