Qualitative Research Techniques - Observation Techniques - Types of Observation

6 important questions on Qualitative Research Techniques - Observation Techniques - Types of Observation

What are the four general types of observation?

Four general ways of organising observations are (1 direct versus indirect, (2 covert versus overt, (3 structured versus unstructured, and (4 in situ versus invented

What is the definition of indirect observation?

With indirect observation, the researcher observes the effects or results rather than the behaviour itself

What are the two types and definitions of indirect observations?

Types of indirect observations include archives, secondary sources, such as historical records, that can be applied to the present problem, and physical traces, which are tangible evidence of some past event
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What is the difference between covert and overt observation?

With covert observation, the subject is unaware that he or she is being observed, with overt observation, the subject knows that he or she is being observed

What is the difference between structured and unstructured observation?

With structured observation, the researcher predetermines which behaviours are to be observed and recorded, with unstructured observation there are no predetermined restrictions

What is the difference between in situ and invented observation?

In situ observation is when the behaviour is observed exactly as it happens in a natural environment, invented observation is when the researcher creates a simulated environment in order to improve understanding of a phenomenon

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