Research Design - Descriptive Research

7 important questions on Research Design - Descriptive Research

What are sample surveys?

Sample surveys are cross-sectional studies whose samples are designed in such a way as to be representative of a specific population at a pre-determined margin of error

What are longitudinal studies?

Longitudinal studies repeatedly measure the same sample units of population over a period of time (movies)

What are continuous panels?

Continuous panels are samples of respondents who agree to answer the same questions at periodic intervals
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What are discontinuous panels?

Discontinuous panels vary questions from one panel measurement to the next

What are omnibus panels?

Discontinuous panels are sometimes referred to as omnibus panels (omnibus means “including or covering many things or classes)

What are brand-switching studies?

Brand-switching studies are studies that examine the extent that consumers are loyal to one brand

What are tracking studies?

Market-tracking studies are studies that monitor the same variables of interest over time

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