Segmentation and positioning research

4 important questions on Segmentation and positioning research

What are different a priori segmentation approaches?

Single variable segmentation: Searching among demographic or socia-economic characteristics and identifying which of these form significant and useful splits within the marketplace. E.g. SIC, NAISICS

Multiple variable segmentation: multicriteria are considered simultaneously and segments created on the basis of these multiple measures. E.g. ACORN, MOSAIC, VALS (values and lifestyles)

What steps are taken in post hoc/ cluster-based segmentation approaches?

Set boundaries --> collect the data --> analyse the data --> validate the segments --> implement --> track

What is the goal of qualitative positioning research?

This semi-structured techniques aims at gaining a more in-depth understanding of how respondents view aspects of the world around them.
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What are popular techniques of qualitative positioning research?

· The brand or company as animal or person. Under this approach, respondents are asked to name a person or an animal that embodies their view of the product or company under study.
· Role-play. In role-playing, the respondent is asked to assume the role or behavior of another person, or of an object under research.
· The Friendly Martian. In this approach, the interviewer or group moderator assumes the role of an alien recently landed from space and asks members of the group to explain a particular product and how it is used.

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