Professional Consciousness Coaching

6 important questions on Professional Consciousness Coaching

What examples are given for powerful questioning under the ICF core competencies?

Reflecting active listening and understanding client's perspective
Ask q that evoke discovery, insight, commitment or action
Ask open ended questions that create clarity, possibility or new learning
Ask q that move client to what they desire not to justify

What is meant by the definition 'powerful questioning'?

Ability to ask questions that reveal the information needed for maximum benefit to the coaching relationship and the client

What is meant with 'direct communication'?

Ability to communicate effectively during coaching sessions and use language that has the greatest positive impact on the client
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What examples are given for direct communication under the ICF core competencies?

Clear, atriculate, direct in sharing and positive feedback
Reframes and articulates to help client understand from another perspective what he/she is uncertain about
Clearly states coaching objectives, meeting agenda, purpose of techniques or exercises
Language that is appropriate to client non-sexist non-racist non-technical
Uses metaphor and analogy to help illustrate point or paint verbal picture

How do you facilitate Learning & Results? *4 items*

1) Creating Awareness
2) Designing Actions
3) Planning & Goal Setting
4) Managing Progress & Accountability

What does 'creating awareness' mean under the core competencies of ICF?

Ability to integrate and accurately evaluate multiple sources of information and to make interpretations that help the client to gain awareness and achieve agreed upon goals

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