The process of change

4 important questions on The process of change

Explain the 4 steps on how individuals change themselves

  1. Acknowledge + accept change —> also where the kubler-ross change curve fits
  2. Willingness
  3. Knowledge & confidence
  4. Stages of consistency

Explain the Kubler-Ross change curve

You can use it to map out the stages people go trough when adapting to change

  1. Shock & denial —> Until people acknowledge the need for change
  1. Anger —> Realise change is needed but they are not happy about it
  2. Bargaining —> Negotiating an alternative route but also with themselves about what the''lll do to convince themselves to change
  3. Depression —> experience sadness & hopelessness
  4. Acceptance —> People accept change is going to happen + propose solution to go forwards. However, acceptance is passive

Explain how people change into a new role

  • Have them try out their new role first
  • Having previous success makes them enthusiastic
  • After experiencing some success they will share + mentor others to make them also excited —> The process of natural progression
  • Now that the process of natural progression is in place there is little time to benefit from it
  • Management needs o share this with others soon as possible
  • Higher grades + faster learning
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Name + explain the 7 accountabilities + responsibilities of an org. During change

    1. Communicate proposed changes + rationale
    2. Setting & managing expectation
    3. Engage people in change
    4. Provide opportunities
    5. Provide ongoing support
    6. Provide positive reinforcement & governance
    7. Demonstrate the effectiveness of change efforts

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