Phases, transition of phases and separating mixtures

10 important questions on Phases, transition of phases and separating mixtures

Which unit do we normally use to describe temperature?


Where is the phase of a substance determined by?

the distance between the molecules
the position of the molecules

What do molecules do in gas?

molecules have almost complete freedom of movement. The distance between molecules is considerable
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What is the triangle of phases?


Where is the temperature at which a substance will met or evaporate influenced by?

the strength of attracting fores between molecules

What is van der Waals forces or van der Waals interaction?

•Force thatkeepsmoleculestogether(The largest in solids)
•Dependend on mass of molecule (The largerthemass, thebiggerthe ‘van der Waals interaction’)

What causes another difference in boiling point?

when a molecule is elongated, the boiling point is higher than for a branched molecule, with the same mass.

Give examples of pure substances?

sugar, distilled water and diamonds

What happens when melting or boiling a mixture?

the temperature rise gradually,  we fin a melting range and a boiling range

What is separation of mixture?

you remove substances from a mixture and afterwards you will have recovered the pure substances that originally formed the mixture

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