Proteins - Protein structure

5 important questions on Proteins - Protein structure

Which biochemical characteristics exist in amino acids?

There are polar amino acids and nonpolar amino acids. Within the polar group, there is negative, positive and uncharged polar.
  • polar means oppositely charged, and non-polar means equally charged
  • Nonpolar amino acids are hydrophobic

Why are protein folding controlled in the cell?

They are energy dependent. Hsp70 use ATP to prevent untimely folding.

What happens if misfolded protein are not degraded?

It can lead to aggregate formation. That is why misfiled proteins are degraded in the proteasome to avoid that.
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Why is the function of secondary  proteins modifications?

Glycosylation, phosphorylation and acetylation are secondary modifications that determine interactions, regulate activity, localization and stability of proteins.

How can protein folding be reversed?

Through the use of urea, as it replace water

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