DNA methylation - Histone modifications

11 important questions on DNA methylation - Histone modifications

How is DNA organized in the nucleus?

DNA is well organized in active and inactive domains, called TAD. These active chromatin and inactive chromatin are localized in separate subcompartiments.

What type of chromatin does muscle-specific gene has in gut and muscle?

Euchromatin in gut and muscle, as genes switch from inactive to active through chromatin remodeling.

What is chromatin remodeling? and name different types of chromatin remodeling proteins

Chromatin remodeling is the change in chromatin structure from one to other state. DNA can be more or less accessible.
  • modifications are primarily located in N-terminal of histone tails

Different type of chromatin remodeling proteins exist:
  • histone-modifying complexes
  • ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes
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What is the effect and role of histone modifications?

Effect: recruit effector proteins that change chromatin structure -> stimuleting/hampering transcription by RNA pol

Role: affect gene expresion, hamper amplification transposons, DNA repair, genome stability, prevent cryptic initiation of transcription

What is the main method to detect histone modification?

Chromatin immunopreciptation (ChIP)

  1. Specific antibodies are added to fragmented nucleosome
  2. then beads are, that will bind to the antibody
  3. the beads are then isolated and from that DNA is isolated
  4. securing or qPCR can be done

Give a example of that histone modification do not act alone

  1. SET1 (H3K4 histone methyl transferase methylates h3k4)
  2. H3K4me3 facilitates binding NuA3 Histone Acetyl Transferase HAT complex, that acetylates H3K14

How is ChIP-Seq used to annotate genomes?

Histomne modifications marks functional elements, therefore epigenetic profiling by ChIP-seq can be used to annotate genomes

How does Histone acetylation make chromatin more accessible?

Acetylation removes a positive charge from lysine, resulting in less strong binding between DNA and histones
  • it facilitates the binding of TF and RNA pol
  • Histone deacetylase (HDAC) and Histone acetyltransferase (HAT)

Why is there a bivalent/poised state in embryonic stem cells?

simultaneous presence of silencing & activating mechanisms keeps genes expressed at low levels, but ready for activation during cell differentiation
  • Presence H3K27me3-Polycomb & H3K4me3-Trx complex

What are the roles of writer, readers and eraser of histone modifications?

They interpret the chromatin state and can switch between active and inactive state

How are histone modifying enzymes recruited?

Through sequence-specific TFs, that determine in which cells and at what level genes are transcribed

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