Genomes, OMICS and Bioinformatics

7 important questions on Genomes, OMICS and Bioinformatics

What is the definition of genome annotation?

It is the process of identifying the locations of genes and all of the coding regions in a genome and determining the function of those genes

Describe the annotation of a DNA sequence

  1. 5' end of gene
  2. regulatory region
  3. promotor (TATA box)
  4. transcription start site
  5. transcribed region
    • coding sequence
      • startcocon AUG
      • Exon and intron
      • terminator codon
    • AAUAAA signal for 3' end trimming and polyAtail addition
  1. termination site

Which sequences are required for intron removal?

GU and AG with the branch point (YURAC) in the introns determine the splice site. As result in the exons will form AG-G
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What is differential and alternative splicing?

It is a process during gene expresion that allows a single gene to produces different mRNAs that  code for different  proteins

Which nucleotide changes can be subject to strong selection?

If a coding region is subject to strong selective constraints, then Ka/Ks<1.
  • no selection Ka/Ks > 1
  • Ka = the non-synonymous substitution rate (base change leads to different amino acid)
  • Ks =  synonymous substitution rate (base change leads to same amino acid)

Explain homolog, ortholog and paralog

Homolog = a gene related to a second gene by descent from a common ancestral DNA sequence

Ortholog = genes in different species that evolved from a common ancestral by speciation (same function)

Paralog = genes related by duplication within a genome (different function)

Which techniques are used for RNA Transcriptomics?

Microassay expression databases, RNAseq, EST database and promotor database.

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