
9 important questions on Transgenesis

What is the use of transgenic cells?

They produce therapeutic agents, like insulin

What are Transfectan and TFX Reagent?

Chemical substances that facilitate uptake of DNA

How is DNA transferred to anime cell culture?

  • Directs DNA transfer (microinjectie)
  • Transfection (chemical)
  • Transduction (viral transfer)
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What are the difference between transient expresion and stable integration?

Transient expression is temporary and episcopal maintenance of DNA

Stable integration is permanent and integration of vector DNA into genome

What is important to consider when doing transformation experiments?

Expression vector, antibiotic selection and other experimental manipulations may evoke cellular responses that affect the biochemical processes under investigation.

Explain how transgenic mouse can be made

1. ES cells are cultured with altered version of target gene
2. The ES cells are then injected in blastocyst

Why do pharmas use animal instead of bacteria to produce recombination pharmaceutical proteins?

Because the product will not be' human' protein but more a bacteria protein

How can you study the gene activity in transgenic animals?

  1. Gene replacement
  2. gene knockout
  3. gene addition

What is CRIPR/CAS9?

It is used for genome edting.

CRISPR–Cas9 uses a small strand of RNA to direct the Cas9 enzyme to a site in the genome with a similar sequence. The enzyme then cuts both strands of DNA at that site, and the cell's repair systems heal the gap.

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