DNA methylation - Histone variants

10 important questions on DNA methylation - Histone variants

What is a histone variant?

Histone variant are composed of proteins with different amino acid composition that standard/canonical histones

  • encoded throughout the cell cycle, while standard are during S phase

Difference between canonical and variants?

  1. expressed during DNA replication
  2. deposited during DNA treplication
  3. encoded by multiple copies, in gene clusters
  4. Genes do not contain introns
  5. Transcripts non-polyadenylated

Histone variant:
  • • Typically expressed throughout cell cycle
  • • Typically deposited replication-independent • Encoded by individual genes
  • • Genes typically contain introns
  • • Transcripts usually polyadenylated

What are the function of some well-known variants?

H3.3 - histone replacement/ mainly active chromatin
CENP-A - centromere function and kinetochore assembly/ centromeric chromatin

H2AX - DNA repair and recombination
H2AZ - gene expression, chromosome segregation/ active/inactive chromatin
macroH2A - transcriptional repression, X-chromosoom inactivation/ inactive chromatin
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What is the function of cenH3 (CENP-A)?

It present at centromeres and crucial for centromere function. It assembly kinetochore structure.
  • CenH3 and H3 incorporation at centromeres alternate, and chromatin forms helical turns

What is the function of H3.3?

During transcription, transiting RNA polymerases displace histones and once in a while one gets lost
  • Displaced H3 histones are replaced by H3.3 histones
  • H3.3 prevents cryptic initiation of transcription!
  • Most transcription occurs in genic regions: hence most H3.3 is incorporated into genic regions

Explain the difference between deposition of H3 and H3.3 into chromatin

H3.1 is deposited during replication and by the CAF-1 histone chaperone.

H3.3 is deposited in a replication- independent manner (during & outside replication.
  • HIRA histone chaperone deposits H3.3 at genes and regulatory sequences
  • Daxx histone chaperone deposits H3.3 at repetitive DNA (heterochromatin)

Why is H3.3 also present at heterochromatin?

H3.3 is also present at a.o. telomeric repeats & pericentric heterochromatin (low levels)

  • In repeated sequences some transcription takes place & histones can also get lost

What is the role of macro-H2A and transcriptional expression?

It correlates with transcriptional repression
  • Macro-H2A (mH2A) is enriched at inactive X-chromosome
  • C-terminal associates with histone deacetylases (HDACs)
    • blocks nucleosome remodeling
    • font-sizefont-familyActs as tumor suppressor t font-sizefont-familyin cancer

What is the function of H2A.B?

  • Enriched at active X chromosome
    • Results in less stable nucleosomes that are more accessible to transcription factors & RNA pol II

  • Enriched at TSSs of actively transcribed genes & appears to facilitate transcription & play role in mRNA splicing

What are the function of H2A.X?

H2A.X plays important role in double-strand break repair
  • The phosphorylated H2A.X is replaced after DNA repair by non-phosphorylated H2A.X

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