RNA gene expression

6 important questions on RNA gene expression

How can gene expression be influenced?

External factors influence gene expression through receptors and signaling proteins.
  • this leads to transcriptional activation

What are the differences between eukaryote en prokaryote transcription?

Pro: mRNA code for several proteins (polycistronic)
  • RNA pol binds directly to the promotor
  • regulator proteins bind on or near RNA pol binding site

Eur: Intrones are sliced out, RNA gets 5' GPPP cap en polyA tail
  • RNA polymerase binds through initiation complex (TATA box) to promoter
  • regulator proteins bind distantly to the DNA and influence RNA polymerase activity

Why is it important for mRNA to have a 5' cap and a poly A tail?

  1. Initiation factors for protein synthesis recognize the cap and translation can be initiated
  2. protects mRNA from degradation
  3. necessary for transport of the mRNA out the nucleus and guiding to the ribosome

  • protects mRNA from degradation
  • necessary for transport of the mRNA out the nucleus and guiding to the ribosome
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What needs to happen before transcription factors can bind?

Chromatin have to unwind, so TF have access to the genes
  • histone proteins determine chromatin structure

How can histone modification be recognized?

By reader protein complex

What are microRNA and siRNA?

MicroRNA = small RNA that target the mRNA for degradation or blockage of translation

siRNA = small RNA that interfere mRNA to suppress genes. A tool to suppress genes by host or virus/cancer
  • can be through help by piwi proteins

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