Vesicular transport

8 important questions on Vesicular transport

What is the difference between mitochondrial signal peptide and the ER signal peptide?

The ER stretch of Leucine and Isoleucin

Explain how SRP is used in ER targeting

  1. SRP binds to signal sequence of the rowing peptide
  2. binding causes a pause in translation
  3. SRP binds to the SRP receptor in ER membrane
  4. translation continues and translocation begins

How are ER proteins transported to the ER?

Through co translation transportation, polypeptide chain in translocated over the ER and signal sequence is cleaved.
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What is the role of protein glucosylation?

It is an ER quality control check-point for protein folding with glucosidase and glucosytransferase having crucial roles
  • Protein N-glycosylation in the ER takes place on asparagine residue
  • Proteins are glycosylated on asparagine residues
    (N-linked glycosylation) & threonine (O-linkedglycosylation)

What is the role of COP and clathrin in vesicular transport?

ER COP I & Golgi COP II specific coats direct the vesicles while clathrin coating enable vesicle formation
  • clathrin coats are needed to form the endosome vesicle

Explain how endosome vesicle are made?

  1. Cargo receptor proteins are recognized by AP and will bind (coat assembly and cargo selection)
  2. Cargo binds to receptor and Clathrin binds to the AP (bud formation)
  3. GTP hydrolysis in dynamin drives a conformational change and brings membran in close proximity in membrane fusion (vesicular formation)
  4. uncoating

What are the roles of RAB and SNARE?

GTP-binding Rab and SNARE proteins organize energy dependent vesicle formation and fusion

What is the role of lysosomes?

They degrade extracellular material (bacteria) and intracellular material such as damaged organelles

  • soluble lysosomal enzymes are decorated with mannose-6-phosphate by  GlcNAc phosphotransferase
  • Specific targeting of soluble hydrolases to lysosomes uses a pH dependent low Km ER M6P-receptor & vesicle transport

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