
5 important questions on Responsiveness

What is the difference between validity and responsiveness?

Validity refers to the validity of a single score

Responsiveness refers to validity of a change score (estimated on two measurements)

What is important for measuring responsiveness?

Longitudinal study is required in which changes of the construct are expected to appear.
At least two measurements need to be taken
The design should be chosen in such a way that it could be expected that change occurs. If not it is hard to determine if instrument is faulty or patients didnt improve.

What if there is no gold standard available?

Construct approach-> hypothesise testing
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What are inappropriate measures of responsiveness?

Effect size-> measures of magnitude of the change scores rather than validity
Paired t-test->measure of statistical significance of the change scores instead of the validity
Guyatt repsonsiveness ratio-> gives no information about validity of change scores
Validity of a change scores proves it's usefulness

When is the use of significance and effect size appropriate?

Construct validity approach
A priori defined hypotheses about the expected magnitude of effect size or changes

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