Workgroup Lifestyle

11 important questions on Workgroup Lifestyle

What is the diet needed for favism?

Stay away from oxidant rich foods (fava beans).

What is the link between favism and the PPP?

There is no NADPH, so no reduction of glutathione. Glutathione is needed to detoxify ROS.

What is special about blueberries?

Blueberries are high in vitamin C and have an antioxidant function (detoxify ROS).
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When is McArdle's disease a problem? Why? What happens?

When you are sporting because you need more glucose (energy) and it cannot be converted into glucose. As a result, you use make lactate to be able to synthesise ATP.

What are the symptoms of McArdle's disease?

You get cramps, pain & fatigue when you start sporting.

What lifestyle changes do you need for McArdle's disease?

  • Pre-workout sucrase supplement
  • Complex carbohydrate diet
  • Prevent heavy exercise.

Why would you take AA supplements?

Muscle recovery after exercise.

What are the negative consequences of AA supplements?

  • Increase in insulin sensitivity
  • When not exercising: increase in fat storage (AA are stored as fat)
  • Increased ROS
  • Increased cytotoxicity

What is the difference between ethanol metabolism and methanol metabolism?

Methanol becomes toxic during breakdown (formaldehyde).

What is the danger of methanol poisoning?

You can get blind.

What is the difference between wet and dry beriberi?

Wet comes after dry and it simply means that also the cardiovascular system is involved.

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