Carolingian Europe, c. 700-850 - Charlemagne (r. 768-814) - The Imperial Coronation of

4 important questions on Carolingian Europe, c. 700-850 - Charlemagne (r. 768-814) - The Imperial Coronation of

When did Charlemagne become emperor?

In 800, when Pope Leo III placed the imperial crown and acclaimed him 'Emperor of the Romans'

Why was the Imperial Coronation insulting to Empress Irene (and how did Charlemagne tried to solve this?)

Because the Coronation implied that her imperial throne was empty, Charlemagne tried to solve this with a marriage proposal, but Irene was soon to be exiled by Byzantine officials

Name 2 other consequences of the Coronation beside insulting Irene

1. From a practical standpoint: reconstituted the Western Roman Empire
2. Diplomatic standpoint: expression of the Franco-papal alliance that begun with Pepin the Short in 751
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Why did pope Leo III crown Charlemagne?

Opportunity to regain some of the initiative lost to the all-powerful Charlemagne. Since the pope gave him the crown ("made in Rome"), he could also take it away

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