The Islamic Empires, c. 571-1100 - Arabia and Muhammad (c. 571-632)

5 important questions on The Islamic Empires, c. 571-1100 - Arabia and Muhammad (c. 571-632)

When and where was Muhammad born

Mecca, 571

Why did Muhammad found little support in Mecca

Because the ruling merchants ignored or rejected his teachings, because of its egalitarian bent and because they feared the new religion would discredit the chief Meccan temple (Kaaba) which was a profitable center of pilgrimage

When and where did Muhammed flee

To Medina in 622
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What marks the beginning of the Muslim calander

The flight to Medina, also known as Hijra

Name 2 reasons why it is logical that Muhammad also won political leadership

1. His teachings defined not only religion, but also society and government
2. Submission to God required submission to his messenger

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