Early Western Christendom, c.500-700 - Early Medieval Politics

7 important questions on Early Western Christendom, c.500-700 - Early Medieval Politics

Name 4 reasons why local power was the most efficient

1. Unfavorable trade balance with the East
2. Gold coins were scarce
3. Violence disrupted the countryside
4. Taxes were hard to extract from people who were used to ignoring imperial commands

Name 3 ways how Boethius laid the groundwork for a new medieval intellectual tradition

1. Make Latin translations of the Greek writings of Plato and Aristotle
2. Laid the basis for the medieval curriculum of the quadrivium and the trivium
3. Wrote The Consolation of Philosophy in which he argued that spiritual growth is more important than worldly success or wealth

Name the 2 ways how Cassiodorus laid critical foundations for medieval scholarship

1. Assembled a reading list that would guide scholars through the great works of Christian and pagan antiquity: On divine and human readings --> students of Cassiodorus thought that being a Ciceronian (earth around the sun) and being a christian was a natural combination
2.  encouraged monks in his monastery to copy texts as a holy duty
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Name a celebrated Merovingian kings beside Clovis

Dagobert I

When was the Merovingian dynasty


Why did the Visigothic kings not have the advantage of a shared faith like the Merovingians (and how was this solved)

Because they believed in Arian Christianity, and their subjects were catholic.

The Visigotic king Reccared converted to Catholicism in 587

Why was Christian harmony accompanied by Christian-Jewish disharmony

Because the Christians forced Jews conversion to create uniformity, but in reality it created distinctions

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