The Byzantine Empire, c. 500-1000 - Byzantine Christianity

11 important questions on The Byzantine Empire, c. 500-1000 - Byzantine Christianity

Name 2 ways how Byzantium Christianity became intertwined with patriotism

1. The emperor was God's vice-regent
2. Emperors drew strength from the loyalty of their Christian subjects

How was the Byzantine Christianity a source of weakness to the emperor

Since religious controversy was a matter of direct imperial concern, so heresy became a threat to the state

In which council (and when) was it established that Christ was both God and human

Council of Chalcedon in 451
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How is the side called who argued for a single nature of Christ


In which areas did the Monophysites dominate

In areas with a religious tradition that had long regarded the divine as totally separate from earthly matters

Why did the Monophysite Christians accept Arab rulers

Because they resented imperial persecution

In which council was now the dispute officially solved

Third Council of Constantinople in 680

In which council was now the dispute officially solved

Third Council of Constantinople in 680

Why was the use of icons a reason for conflict

Because there was a tendency to worship the icons themselves

Why did the iconoclasm caused more hostility between Rome and Constantine

Because the papacy saw iconoclasm as heretical

Name 3 disagreements between Rome and Constantinople church

1. Iconoclasm
2. Nature of the trinity
3. Pope's claim sole head of a single church

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