Economic Takeoff and Social Change in the Countryside, c. 1000-1300 - The Central Middle Ages

4 important questions on Economic Takeoff and Social Change in the Countryside, c. 1000-1300 - The Central Middle Ages

What was a result of this dependence on written records

Skills such as reading, writing and mathematical calculation grew vital to the functioning of governmental bureaucracies, urban businesses and even agricultural enterprises

What was a social result of this dependence on written records

Those who possessed the skills caused social mobility, which offered opportunities but also caused social anxiety (social change can give uncertainity)

Name 3 other results from the social vitality of the Central Middle Ages

1. Greater self-awareness
2. Rational attitudes toward the cosmos (but also in everyday life)
3. God's creation was a natural order that could function by its own rules
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When was the Byzantine Empire restored again after the "Latin Empire"

In 1261, by Michael VIII Palaeologus

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