Noninvasive Brian stimulation

9 important questions on Noninvasive Brian stimulation

What can you do t=with corticospinal excitability ?

  • Can apply one pulse to the brain
  • create motor evoked potential
  • increase muscle response (stimulate right spot)

What info does the measure of the motor evoked potential give you?

Info on how much you have to stimulate a pulse in order to create a neuronal response

  • the higher the motor cortex excitability is, the less stimulation you need

What did the study by Muller-Leinsz et al. 2018 say/do?

  • Let people play game with farm or unfair players
  • first ultimatum game then dictator game
Authors found:

  • inhibiting of right cortex led to fairer behaving rate in the 2nd game
  • direct effect of TMS is to the cortex
  • Higher grades + faster learning
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How does tDCS work?

  • Use a weak current (A) that will leak into the brain cause it is constantly on
  • very small amount of electrical signal --> small number of neurons will respond to this leak
  • has very big field not very precies

What is Anode stimulation?

  • Affects the resting state potential
  • likelihood of neuron to fier/increase

What anodes en cathodes do in tACS?

  • Will create a current in a wavy and alternating way
  • similar to neuronal patterns

What can oscillatory potentials create?

  • Neural synchronization
  • neurons will start to move the same way as in the current

When can you use TMS in the clinic?

In depression for example

How do they use TMS in depression?

  • Place coil over right prefrontal part of the brain with 20Hz in order to excite neurons in this area
  • might help depressed people to be less sensitive to punishment and motivate approach behavior

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