Endocrinology - Testos & digit ratio

3 important questions on Endocrinology - Testos & digit ratio

Explain finger ration measurement.

  • 2nd (point finger)/4th (ring finger)
  • prenatale testosterone makes your pointer finger shorter
  • estradiol makes your ring finger shorter

=> there is some evidence that digit ratio of  homosexual men is mor similar to digit ratio of women.

Explain cognitive empathy task. (Baron Cohen; reading the mind in the eye task)

  • Oxytocine improved "mind-reading" tasks
  • Testosterone does the exact opposite
  • Females impair in cog-empathy when administered with testos

How is digit ration used in the cognitive empathy task?

  • Used as a predictor
  • low digit ratio (=prenatal primed with testos) show strongest effect of testos manipulation
  • translates to rodents' studies with prenatale testos manipulation: in later life more sensitive to testos

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