MRI : sMRI and DTI - Structural Connectivity

7 important questions on MRI : sMRI and DTI - Structural Connectivity

Which three concepts are important fro DTI?

  1. Scaler = simple number with no directional info (weight/height)
  2. Vector = scaler & directions across x- y-, and z-plane
  3. Tensor = multiple vectors in a 3dimensional space action on a single system

How do you make mapping connections?

  • By color coding the diffusion of molecules
  • up vs down = blue, front vs back = green, left vs right = red

When is the movement of the water molecules related to the structure mapped based on the tensor?

In Anisotropy
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When do molecules move without restriction and all have equal probability of movement?

In Isotropy

When is the movement restricted by a given shape and molecules move along a given gradient?

In Anisotropic movement

What Is fractional anisotropy (FA)?

One of the most common diffusion measures
  • high FA reflects water that diffuses in the same directions
  • low FA reflects that water diffuses less directionally which implied weak integrity (impaired myelination, microstructure of neural fibers, axonal density or crossing fibers

What do they use DTI for in the study of Wand & Olson (2018)?

To create an image of a social brain network consisting different bundles that connect our different regions associated with social interaction:
  • Mentalizing network
  • mirror network
  • face network

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