Endocrinology - Testos & dominance

6 important questions on Endocrinology - Testos & dominance

What does testosterone induce in male, female mice, rats, wolves, horses, cows, primates & humans?

  • Social dominance
  • confidence
  • fearlessness

=> testos = very powerful in social anxiety

By what are the actions of testosterone in the brain provoked?

By the social environment

What are typical dominance and submission signals?

Dominance = staring endurance
Submission = gaze aversion
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By which method can dominance and submission be measured and how?

  • Measured by Emotional stroop task through color naming
  • when face = anger; testos will interfere and therefore increase reaction Tim

=> likely that female are more sensitive to social behavioral effects of testos

Explain the vaginal pulse amplitude method related to social, emotional, sexual behavior:

  • Non-habitual measure known in humans & other animals
  • measure of blood flow in vagina

  • Testos increases vaginal pulse: preparing women for sexual intercourse when seeing partner or pornographic movies

How do women react to angry faces?

  • Cardiac acceleration
  • defense reflex

=> most likely preparation for Fight/Flight response

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