Producer behavior: Production & cost functions

7 important questions on Producer behavior: Production & cost functions

What are the assumptions of the production function?

1. Firms produce 1 god
2. Firm knows which good
3. Firms minimize costs
4. only 2 inputs (labor and capital)
5.  Capital is fixed in the short run  
6. Output increases with inputs
7. Capital markets are well functioning

What is a insoquant?

a curve representing all combinations of inputs that allow a firm to produce a given level of output.

how further from the origin how higher the output level
cannot intersect
are convex

What does the slope of an isoquant captures?

The slope plays a key role on analysis of production decisions because it captures the trade-off in the productive abilities of k and l
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What could be a reason or diminishing RTS?

convexity prperty of isoquants


quasi-concavity of production function

What is the curvative of an isoquant?

Reveals information about the relationship between inpyts, just as its steepnes (RTS) does.

straight isoquant --> substituable
convex isoquant --> complementary

What is elasticity of substitution?

MEasures the proportionate change in k/l relatively to the proportionate change in RTS along an isoquant.

siegma= (dk/l)/kl/dRTS/RTS = dln(k/l)/dlnRTS, is always >0

siegma high --> isoquant flat

What does the shephard's lemma states in the cost function?

States that the contignent demand function for any input is given  by the partial derivative of the total cost function with respect to that input's price

applying envelope theorem:
dc(v,w,q0/dv = dL(v,w,q,lamda)/dv = kç(v,w,q)

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