Using supply and demand to analyse markets

10 important questions on Using supply and demand to analyse markets

Why do governments sometimes meddle in the markets?

1. To serve a particular constituency
2. to raise necessary tax revenue
3. to correct market failure

What is a transfer?

Surplus that moves from producer to consumer, or vice versa, as a result of a price regulation.

What is a price floor/price support?

A price regulation that sets the lowest price that can be paid legally for a good service
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What is a quota?

A regulation that sets the quantity of a good or service provided

What are the 4 assumptions that consumer preferences follow?

1. Completeness and 'rankability' - customers can compare products and rank them too
2. More is better than less
3. Transitivity - applies to more than 3 products, if you like A better than B and B better than C, you also like A better than C 
4. Diminishing marginal utility - the more products you get, the less marginal utility the units give

What is an indifference curve?

The mathematical representation of a comparison between bundles that the consumer is indifferent about. So they provide the same utility.

What is the marginal rate of substitution?

MRS describes the ratio at which a customer is willing to trade good X for good Y to be equally well off

What is constrained optimisation?

The plotting of both the budget constraints and indifference curves, and then finding the perfect bundle of goods.

What are the 2 types of constrained optimisation?

1. A maximum level of utility with a fixed budget constraint has to be found
2.  Minimise the budget constraint, which will still reach a certain level of utility

What are the simplifying assumptions we have for producer behaviour?

1. Firm produces only 1 product
2. Goal of firm is to minimise costs of producing quantity required
3. Only 2 types of input are used: capital and labour
4. Firm can buy as much capital and labour, as it needs at fixed prices

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