HN Product development in practice

8 important questions on HN Product development in practice

What does marketing do (ideally)?

  • Study customer needs and wants in well defined market segments
  • Allocate marketing effort in relation to the long-run profit potential of the targeted segments
  • Develop winning offerings for each target segment
  • Measure company image and customer satisfaction on a continuous basis
  • Continuously gather and evaluate ideas for new products, product improvements and services to meet customers' needs
  • Influence all company departments and employees to be customer centric in their thinking and practice

What is the difference between B2C and B2B

  • product(transaction) driven
  • large target market
  • individual purchases
  • single step buying process
  • brand identify from repetition and imagery
  • emotional buying decision
  • merchandising and point of purchase activities

  • Relationship driven
  • small focussed market
  • professional client /team
  • multi-step buying process
  • brand identity from personal relationships
  • rational buying decision
  • educational and awareness creating activities

Marketing-focus depends on market place, which 6 concepts?

  • Production
  • product
  • selling
  • marketing
  • consumer
  • societal marketing
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Strategic vs operational marketing

Strategic marketing
  • Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning (STP)

Operational marketing
  • Product, price, place, promotion

How does the consumer motivations looks like (give order)

  1. Food security
  2. Food safety
  3. Taste, price, convenience
  4. Health
  5. Sustainability
  6. Moral

  1. Physiological (water, sleep, food)
  2. Safety (security, shelter, protection)
  3. Belongingness (love, friendship, acceptance)
  4. Ego needs (prestige, status)
  5. Self actualisation (self-fulfilment

  • safe&healthy
  • taste&pleasure
  • convenient
  • well being&fitness

There are three types of attributes/benefits

  • Search
    • verified through senses prior to purchase (brans name, colour, price)
  • Experience
    • verified through senses upon normal consumption (sensory qualities, usage convenience, social value)
  • Credence
    • can't be verified, not even after normal consumption (health, environmental value)
    • Credence attribute perceptions are inferred
      • informational belief formation (based on information form others)
      • inferential belief formation (own rules of thumb)

What are the marketing segmentation bases (4)

  • Geographic (region)
  • Demographic (age)
  • Psychographic (values, lifestyle, personalities)
  • Behavioural (product usage, benefits sought)

What are the criteria for effective market segmentation (5)

  • Measurable
    • members of target group can be identified
  • Substantial
    • large enough to justify separate marketing mix
  • Accessible
    • can be reached effectively
  • Differentiable
    • respond differently to marketing mix
  • Actionable
    • effective programs can be formulated

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