Milk variability & economics of milk production

10 important questions on Milk variability & economics of milk production

How old is lactation?

400 million year ago

What are the three ways to study/understand the origin of lactation?

  • Water source for eggs
  • Skin protection
  • Genetic similarity between mammals

How does the skin protection looks like? And why do only mammals produce sweat?

Surface epithelia - Protect agains microbial invasion

Ze produceren alle drie XOR & Lysozyme

Alleen de mammary glands produceert ook nog fat droplets (XOR), lactose (Lysozyme), alfa-lactalbumin (Lysozyme)
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What are the genetic similarities between mammals?

  • Large similarity in genes involved in lactation
  • Many genes have multiple copies
  • Proteins needed for fat secretion are the most similar: milk as a transport vehicle for fat from mother to newborn

Why do newborns need milk? (3)

  • Nutrition
  • Immunity
  • Development

  • For the development of the immune system
  • Easy to digest
  • Essential nutrition
  • Development of microbiota
  • Connecting mother to infant

One of the three main functions of milk is nutrition. Where can nutrition be diffident in?

  • Fat
  • Protein
  • Lactose

Are always present - little variation

  • Fat 1-70%
  • Protein 1-13%
  • Lactose 2,5-10%
    • is important for the osmotic pressure (so little variation)

Lots of variation

Milk contains components that are important dor development of the newborn. Give 3 examples where this is important for?

  • Intestinal tract
  • Brain
  • Behavior

What percentage of dairy farms worldwide has < 10 cows?


Where in the world is the cost of producing milk the highest?

Canada and Scandinavia and Japan and China

Feed and land make costs high (in China)
The climate (Canada)

Where is Dutch milk being used for?

  • Cheese 56%
  • Milk powder 15%
  • butter and butteroil 2%
  • condensed milk 6%
  • drinking milk and other fresh milk products 7%
  • Other 14%

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