Unit processes

36 important questions on Unit processes

What are the 6 types of unit processes?

  • Centrifugation: remove particles
  • Homogenization: reduce particle size
  • Heating: safety (denature proteins)
  • Evaporation: remove some water
  • Drying: remove all water
  • Membrane processes: separate specific components

What is the Stokes' law

How a particles is behaving when in a liquid...... Niet zeker..?

What does the Rotation velocities of fat globules with different diameters do?

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Separation and centrifuge together in one

In de centrifuge vind meteen een separation plaats. The cream gaat naar boven en de skim gaat naar beneden

Why is the centrifuge on 50*C

  • All the milk fat is liquid
  • You do not want to damage the fat particles

What is the effect of centrifuge on milk & product composition?

  • Higher/lower fat content requires adaptations to centrifugation parameters
  • Bactofugation (for e.g. Butyric acid spore removal in cheese milk), parameters need to be adapted
  • Clarification (of e.g. Whey), although essentially the same type of precess, requires a very different setup

What is the effect of homogenisation of fat globule size?

  • Homogenization causes disruption of fat globules in smaller ones
  • Disruption of fat globules in first (1) and second (2) stage of homogenisation
  • 2e stage is to break up the clusters --> a stable end product

Als er geen protein aanwezig zijn gaan de vet globules aan elkaar zitten

How does homogenisation process works?

You force it with a high pressure through a small gap

4 disruption forces in the homogenising gap

  • Elongation
  • Shear
  • Turbulence
  • Cavitation

Distribution after 1st stage and distribution after 2nd stage of the homogenisation process

1 = splitsen
2 = loskoppelen

What is the effect of homogenisation on milk & product composition?

  • Fat/protein ratio of the product influences risk of fat globule clustering: necessity of 2 stage homogenisation
  • Different products require different fat globule size * fat globule size distribution; different homogenisation pressure and/or double homogenisation needed

Why do we use heat treatment?

  • Heat treatment is used for virtually all dairy products
  • Main objectives:
    • Kill micro-organisms
    • Inactivate enzymes
    • Denature proteins

What are the purposes of heating?

  • Safety
    • killing the pathogens
  • Keeping quality
    • killing spoilage organism
    • inactivation enzymes
  • Product properties
    • inactivate bacterial inhibitors
    • improve consistency

Heating has 4 different intensity levels

  • Thermalization
  • Low pasteurisation
  • High pasteurisation
  • Sterilization

Optimization of time and temperature such that wanted effects are maximal, but undesired effects are minimal

Thermalization, what is the
  • time/temperature
  • purpose
  • applied for
  • important

  • about 20sec at 65*C

  • reduction of vegetative micro-organisms (the normal bacterial cells and not the spores)

  • For prolonged storage of milk

  • hardly any detectable protein denaturation

Low pasteurisation, what is the
  • time/temperature
  • purpose
  • applied for
  • important

  • About 20 sec at 72*C

  • Destroy pathogens and spoilage micro-organisms
applied for
  • for consumption milk and cheese milk
  • destroys alkaline phosphatase

High pasteurisation, what is the
  • time/temperature
  • purpose
  • applied for
  • important

  • about 20 sec at 85*C
  • kan ook langer en hoger
  • to denature whey proteins and enzymes
  • to inactivate bacterial inhibitors
  • to improve product properties
  • destroys lactoperoxidase

Sterilization, what is the
  • time/temperature
  • purpose
  • applied for
  • important

  • about 30 min at 110*C or 30-1s at 130-145 *C
  • dit kan ook ongewenst zijn, Maillard reactie
  • to make ambient stable products
applied for
  • for products stored outside fridge
  • spored and heat stable enzymes may survive

What are the 4 consequences of heat treatment?

  • Maillard reactions (reaction between protein & lactose)

  • aggregation of whey proteins increases viscosity

  • development of cooked flavour; strongly dependent on time-temperature combination

Nutritive value
  • some loss on vitamins

What is direct UHT

Het product wordt direct in contact gebracht met stoom, om het te verwarmen

What is indirect UHT

Het product komt indirect in aanraking met de temperatuur

It gives a slower cooling down and warming up than direct

What is the effect of heat treatment on milk & product composition?

  • Fouling is important for both parameters of heating (t/T) and runtime:
    • fat/protein ratio of the product influences risk of fouling
    • Hygienic quality of milk influences risk of fouling
  • Bacterial lead & presence of enzymes determine needed heating intensity --> hygienic quality of milk
  • Bacterial inactivation rate depends on composition

Why do we use evaporation for dairy processing?

Main goal: reduction of volume to reduce costs
  • increase dry matter and reduce water activity
  • pre-concentration before drying
  • concentration before crystallisation
  • specific product - condensed milk (coffee milk/cream)

What are the evaporation limits for
  • whole milk / skim milk
  • whey
  • whey protein concentrate
  • permeate

  • whole milk / skim milk - 48-50% d.m.
  • whey - 58-65% d.m.
  • whey protein concentrate - 35-48% d.m.
  • permeate - 70-75% d.m.

(limitation) Water binding by casein/why protein main factor

What are the effects of evaporation on milk & product composition

  • Fouling is even more important than for heating. It depends on parameters of heating (t/T) and is the main limiting factor in the runtime:
    • fat/protein ratio & content os the product influences risk of fouling
    • Hygienic quality of milk influences risk of fouling
  • Higher required concentration degree increase fouling problems
  • Dry matter content of the milk influences the amount of water to be removed

Why is drying important for dairy product?

Removal of water from a liquid:
  • Milk
  • Whey (components)
  • Casein
  • Infant formule
  • Ice cream mix

Water removal needed for:
  • promoting self-life
  • reducing transport and storage costs
  • application as ingredients

  • Relative high investments
  • removal of water by drying expensive - preconcentration by evaporation
  • moisture content of end product low
  • powders to be packed in water-vapour tight
  • containers/paper bags

3 different drying methods

Roller drying
  • some whole milk powder
  • caseinate
  • lactose

Spray drying
  • most dairy powders

Fluid bed drying
  • secondary drying for most powders
  • primary drying for lactose

For fluid bed drying agglomeration is used for reconstitution properties


agglomeration is used

What is the effect of drying on milk & product composition

  • Dry matter content of the (concentrated) milk influences the amount of water to be removed
    • Larger preconcentration is energy efficient, but may increase fouling during evaporation stage
  • concentrate composition (dry matter content, fat content, protein content, protein denaturation) all influence drying proces and powder particle properties

Why membrane processes?

Main goal: separate components based on size or charge
  • Remove bacteria
  • Concentrate proteins
  • Whey processing

Basics of membrane processes

Sommige deeltjes kunnen er wel door en andere deeltje niet

  • Membrane processes have a long history, with first industrial applications more than 50 years ago
    • mainly used for way processing
  • milk contains components of different size

Milk contains components of different size: from small to large

  • Water
  • Cl/Ca ions
  • Lactose
  • Whey proteins
  • Casein micelles
  • Fat globules
  • Bacteria
  • Somatic cells
  • Cheese fines

What kind of different membrane processes exist, removing smaller and smaller particles:


Most membrane processes are pressure driven
  • Electrodialysis: electrical potential driven
  • MF-MFF-UF-NF: sieving processes-like
  • RO: osmotic pressure based

In these more sieving like processes, what are the characterisations (MF-MFF-UF-NF)

Pore size - distribution of pore sizes
  • Molecular weight cut-off
  • NaCl retention

Membranes - electrodialysis, how does it works

Met een plus en een min pool

Cathode (-) and Anode (+)

What is the effect of membranes on milk & product composition

  • Limiting factor for runtime is membrane fouling. Composition and hygienic quality of the milk are important factors influencing fouling
  • Hygienic quality also depends on temperature of membrane during processing

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