The significance of milk in diets / The role of dairy products in the diet

13 important questions on The significance of milk in diets / The role of dairy products in the diet

What are the 3 countries that are above the NL recommendation for milk intake?

Finland, Sweden and The Netherlands

Why do we consume milk?

  • Milk and diary products are a source of essential nutrients
    • calcium
    • magnesium
    • selenium
    • riboflavin
    • Vit B12
    • Vit B5
  • protein

Key functions of micronutrients in milk

  • Hair - B2, A
  • Skin - B2, B8
  • Reproduction - A, B1, Se
  • Bones - D, B12, B8, Ca, Mg, Zn, K
  • Resilience, immunity - A, B6, Zn, Se
  • Energy release - B1, B2, B8, Mg
  • Neuromuscular function - A, B6, B12, B8, Ca, Mg
  • Hormone formation - A, B6
  • Blood formation - B12, B6, B11
  • Teeth - A, D
  • Thyroid - Iodine, Se
  • Eye sight - A
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Formule van nutrient density %

Zie de afbeelding 

Maar het is handiger om

(Nw/Ni)+(Nw/Ni) (9x) - (Nw/Ni) 3x 


What are the 3 highest concentrations of vitamins and minerals in milk?

  • B12
  • B2
  • A
  • (B5)

  • Mo
  • I
  • Ca
  • (K)

What are the three main ideas behind nutrient density?

  • Look at balance in nutrients
  • the ratio of the nutrient supply of a food to the nutrient requirements of a human
  • relate nutrient supply to energy supply of a product

What are the 9 nutrients to encourage and what are the 3 nutrients to limit

  • Protein
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Fiber
  • Vit A
  • Vit C
  • Vit E

  • Saturated fat
  • Added sugars
  • Sodium

What are the effects of milk processing on the nutritional quality? For Pateurisation and Sterillization


  • causes no loss

  • has more effects:
    • levels of minerals are NOT changed
    • Levels of B-vitamines are partly reduced (10-40%)
    • protein quality may be reduced due to lysine loss
      • effect on B-vitamins & protein strongly depend on heating intensity

Protein requirements  (4) (for human body..?)

  • The human body does not have significant stores of protein and the food needs to provide protein daily
  • Protein intake should be sufficient to sustain growth and maintenance
  • Protein requirement is depended on age and physiological condition
    • infants, pregnant women, recovering people and elderly have higher requirements due to growth and tissue repair
  • Protein requirements is based on nitrogen valance studies and expressed per kg body weight

How is the protein requirement balanced: input and output should be in balance

Negative N balance: --> tissue breakdown
Positive N balance: --> tissue build-up

There are three methods to assess protein quality

Biological assays
Chemical assays
mixed assays

What are the important differences between DIAAS and PDCAAS?

  • Digestibility assay
    • correction in PDCAAS is for true faecal digestibility of crude protein in rats, whereas in DIAAS the correction is for true ill digestibility of individual amino acids in humans or pigs
  • No truncation for individual proteins
    • DIAAS values are not truncated to 1.00 showing the excess quality of animal proteins
  • Effect of processing
    • Available lysine is basis for content and digestibility calculations
      • calculation procedure
        • PDCAAS = D x Lim-AA/Ref-AA
        • DIAAS = Lim-D x AA/Ref-AA

What are the differences between ideal and faecal digestibility

Digestibility in humans (adults on mixed protein diet)

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