Introducing IBM Business Process Manager - Unit summary
7 important questions on Introducing IBM Business Process Manager - Unit summary
Qa-answernotes-contentGive the IBPM interface and description for the validating and playing processes task.
Qa-answernotes-contentGive the IBPM interface and description for the implementing process steps (activities) task.
Qa-answernotes-contentGive the IBPM interface and description for the creating and managing snapshots task.
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Qa-answernotes-contentGive the IBPM interface and description for the running, inspecting, and debugging processes task.
Qa-answernotes-contentGive the IBPM interface and description for the run tasks in a production setting task.
Give the IBPM interface and description for the creating and managing process applications task.
Qa-answernotes-contentGive the IBPM interface and description for the creating process models task.
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- 100% sure, 100% understanding