Introducing IBM Business Process Manager - Unit summary

7 important questions on Introducing IBM Business Process Manager - Unit summary

Qa-answernotes-contentGive the IBPM interface and description for the validating and playing processes task.

Use the Process Portal to playback your processes for revision and validation.

Qa-answernotes-contentGive the IBPM interface and description for the implementing process steps (activities) task.

Implement activities in your process and determine the best option for each step in Process Designer.

Qa-answernotes-contentGive the IBPM interface and description for the creating and managing snapshots task.

Capture and save the items within a process application at a specific point in time in the Process Center and Designer
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Qa-answernotes-contentGive the IBPM interface and description for the running, inspecting, and debugging processes task.

Use the Inspector to debug and demonstrate your processes

Qa-answernotes-contentGive the IBPM interface and description for the run tasks in a production setting task.

Use the Process Portal for end users that will run tasks when the process is complete

Give the IBPM interface and description for the creating and managing process applications task.

Create containers where BPM analysts and authors can create process models and underlying implementations in the Process Center

Qa-answernotes-contentGive the IBPM interface and description for the creating process models task.

Create a process model or business process definition in Process Designer.

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