Modern Art an overview - Time line and explanation of main movements

41 important questions on Modern Art an overview - Time line and explanation of main movements

What were the chaarctersitics of Impressionism

a) Applying pain in small touches.
b) Painting out of doors.
c) focus on effects of colour and light
Artists: Manet and Monet

What Dates was post impressionism?

1890-1910. Nb nbot really a school but two trends which influenced modern art.

What were the characteristics of postmodernism?

a) - not really a school, just reaction against the naturalism of impressionism. Two trends impressionism which influenced modern art. b) Trend one, emphasis on form, muted colour and simplification led to cubism c) Trend two _ emphasis on vivid colour and distorted form  to express inner feeling.
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What post modernist trend does this painting exemplify

Cezanne. les baigneuses. The use of muted colour and simplified form to emphasise formal beuty. Led to cubism

What trend in postmodernist paining does this picture exemplify.

Yellow Haystacks by Guaguin exemplifies use of vivid colour to reglect inner feeling. This led to expressionism.

What are the charcateristics of fauvism

-a) use of vivid non naturalistic colour a form ofexpressionism
b) influenced by primitive art
c) distorted form and emphasis on inner feeling

This picuture is a late example of which avant garde movement?

Fauvism. Matisse La Ronde 1910. Note vivid non-natualistic colur, distorted form and focus on inner feeling. A form of expressionism.

What are the dates of German expressionism:


Name the two main schools of German expressionism

Die Brucke (1905)
Der BlaueReiter ( 1911)

What are the characteristics of all expressionist painting

1) use of vivid colour, distorted form and agitated brush stokes.
2) Focus on inner feeling
3) Inluence of primitive art

Apart from painitng in which artistic medium was expressionism very inluential

Film. German expressionist cinema was hugely influential.

What were the characeteristics of primitivism

NB Not a movement but a trend .  The original interest in primitive art can be seen in Gauguin Van Gogh and Munch.  The effect of primitivism can be seen in fauvism, cubism and expressionism.

What major trend does this picture identify

Picasso's les Demoiselles D'avignon shows the influence of primitivism in the use of the African masks as the faces of some of the women. It is also an early exmaple of primitivism

.What dates was cubism


What were the characteristics of cubism

- focus on inner beauty and formal simplicity, influenced by Cezanne.
-  Surface of the picture  two dimensional. Objects fragmented, and shown from several different points of view simultaneously.
-  'objets trouve' added on top of the paper to create depth. This led to paper sculpture (Picasso) and Collage( Schwitters). Broke down the boundaries of painting.

What aspect of cubism does this picture illustrate.

Picassos Vieux Marc shows how paper was stcuk on the surface of the picture adding the illiusion of depth.

What characteristic of cubism tdoes this work illustrate

Picasso's guitar 1912 illustrates the breakdown in the boundaraies between artistic medium. The paper has come of the painting and become a flat sculpture. Picasso was asked is this a sucllpture he replied @ no. it's a guitar.@

What were the dates of Dada

1915 -1922

What were the characteristics of European Dada

a-  Wanted to smash the insitution of art . ' The ' anti anti anti  Hans Arp.
- b) The role of chance - the name Dada was chosen by Tristan Tzara ransomly sticking a par of scissors into a dictionary.
c) The use of objets trouve and Collage

What are the characteristics of American DADA

9.  Characterisitcs of American Dada
a) the rejection of 'retinal art' - art was to attract the mind Not the art.
-b) the use of ready mades. A dvelopment from objets trouve.
C) playing with the idea of the role of the artist. e.g.  signing mass produced objects,   Rrose Selavy, .

What are the charactersitics of constructivism

- rejected art for art's sake ( the autonomy of Art Burger) and saw art as practical  way to order scoiety. Wnt outside fine arts included  h propaganda, graphic design and cinema.
- first purely abstract and non-figurative school. Geometric, formal and unemotional. Cobcerned with fomral beauty.
- Concern with the use of space. Led to new media such as installations and linear sculptures. .

What characteristic of constructivism is  typfied by this piece.

Interest in the use of space. This 1923 room by El Lissitsky is one of the first pieces of installation art

What characteristics of construcitvism does this piece typify.

Interest in space, pure abstraction, formal beuaty. These Lienare suclputures by Nam Gabo use benc wire and a single thread.

Dates of surrealist movement

1920-1930. Styles lasted till 1960s and was domiant in france

What were the main characteristics of surrealism

influence of Freudian idea of unconscious and marxssm. tried to recreate dreams
- juxtapositions of unexpected objects as in a dream. painting style was often realistic, it was the juxtapositiosn) that is shocking.
- intially literary movement. Painting only one medium cinema and photography just as important.

What are the dates of surrealist movement?

Continued ton 50 as an artistic style.

What are the characteristics of surrealism

1) Mix pf  Freud and Marx. Aimed to recapture the unconscious thought or dream.
2) Realistic  figurative style but used shocking juxtapositions - the lobster as a phone - to startle the viewer.
3) Started as a poetry movement. Other art forms esepcially film and photography at least as important as painting.

Why is this image characteristic of surrealism

Shocking image of eye with razor. From a film ( le chien andalou) made by filmmaker ( Bunuel) with painter ( Salavador Dali). Visual art and painting was not privileges in surrealism. Cinema and photgraphy was as important.

What date was socialist realsim 


What are the chacrcterisitcs of socialist realism

What are the characteristics of socialist realism 
Characteristics -
19th century neo classical and  realist picture  art. Meium painting, architecture, staties - all grifying communism. Cinema.
Glorifies the position of the leader and the working class
became official art under Stalin and spread to other communist countries.

What were the dates of De stijl

First world war (1917) to 1930

What were the charactersitics of De stijl?

a) Pure abstraction ( no figurative) and simplicity
b) geometric shapes mostly rectangles, painted in primary colours+ black and white . Thick black lines between the colour
c) painting, architecture and graphic design - influenced the bauhaus.

Why is the painting typical of De Stijl

Modrian's Composition in Red Blue and Yellow 19230 is typical  because it si abstract, simple, ises rectangles made of thick black lines and primary coulours = black and white.

What does this painting typify.

Malevich white square on a white square - the first monchromatic paining typifies his supremecist period> It has pure abstraction and simple geometric shapes.

What are the dates of Malevich's supremacist period.

1915- 1920 ( became cosntructivist). Fist abstract only school a couple of years before de Stijl

What are the charactersitics of bauhaus desing.

1. Taught design, craft (eg furiture potterry) and and ( later)  architecture .
2. Form follows function. A chair is a chair first - absolutely no decoration. Severe geometric shapes.
3) Encouraged respect. for material and believed in modern forms of production

What are the characteristics of abstract experssionism

Combined abstraction and simplicity of formal modernism with colour and brushwork of expressionsm.

b) Aimed to express inner feeling. Individual artist styles differ a lot  e.g. pollock dribbles pain, Rothko uses only a few colour in great swathes.

c) Originally quite revolutionary became adopted as the American form of art and prmoted by critics and establishment

How does this painting typify abstract expressionism

This an example of Rothko's style of abbstract expressionis, Combines abstraction and simplicty with vivid colour and strong brushstrokes to express inner feeling

What were the dates of the Bauhaus,

From the end of the first workd war to the beginning of the second ( Hitler closed it in 1933)
Nb - it moved 3 times os strictly speaking there were three bauhouses.

What does the work typify about American Dada?

Duchamp's the fountain shows The importance of the Use of readymades. Mass produced objects as art.

What does this picture tell us about European dada

This Schwitters collage (1920) It shows how the objets trouve led to the development of the art of collage.

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