Salma L1

15 important questions on Salma L1

Deeper root systems

Some plants grow deeper roots to excess water in deeper layers. Mostly present in taproot plants

Increased root biomass

Increase total mass of roots to explore greater volume of soil for available water. Mostly present in fibrous plants

Root hair proliferation and elongation

More and longer root hairs increases surface area for water and nutrients uptake
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What is a disadvantage of stomatal control

To close the stomata, it costs CO2 uptakem photosynthesis and growth

What key biomechanical mechanisms are there in the tolerance for drought in plants

Antioxidant defence
Osmotic adjustment, accumulation of compatible osmolytes
protective protein synthesis

How does ROS damage the DNA

Transverse mutation of guanine to 8-OHdG.
ROS adds an =O group to guanine, which change the orientation of the molecule, therefore 8-OHdG tends to pair with adenine

How do ROS damage proteins

It forms a disulfide bond. A ROS like hydrogen peroxide can oxidate a thiol chain, which yields a sulfenic acid residue that can produce a disulfide linkage

Where in plant cells are ROS produced


What is an example of non-enzymatic metabolic ROS-defense machinery


What key molecular processes in drought tolerance are there

Signalling transduction pathways
gene regulation by TF

What is an important signalling transduction pathway

ABA (abscisis acids)

How does the transduction pathway of ABA work simplified

Drying soil is sensed by the root cap > ABA is synthesized and transported to mature leaves > stomatal closure

How does ABA activates drought responsive TFs

If ABA is present > ABA binds to receptor > this inactivates phosphatase > protein kinases phosphorylates itseld > activates TF but also results in the activating of other targets like ion transporters or NADPH oxidases

What happens in JUB1 overexpression

H2O2 levels are reduced, it reduces levels of ROS

How can microbes strongly increase stress tolerance in plants

It can produce a signal, which activates some TFs, which causes a reaction that increases drought tolerance

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