Genetics, sport and exercise: background and methods

13 important questions on Genetics, sport and exercise: background and methods

What does kinesiogenomics stand for?

Kinesiogenomics is the study in which sport and exercise performance is evaluated at a genetic level.

On which two pillars does a sporting performance rely?

  • genetics
  • environmental factors

Which DNA-sequencing method is described in this chapter?

The PCR technique
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Which two genetic traits can be distinguished?

  1. Mendelian, mongenic (one gene) and oligogenic traits (a few genes)
  2. Polygenic, multifactorial or continuous traits (cumulative effect of multiple genes)

How can the variability of traits be estimated?

By combining the genetic variability with the enviromental variability

Which kind of DNA has a mediating role in the adaptation to exercise?

Roughly 80% of the total DNA that does not encode proteins.

How can a cell with mutated DNA be prevented from dividing?

By the use of 'cycle check points'.

What does polymorphism stand for?

This stands for a mutated allele that is found in at least 1% of the population.

Do common or rare mutations contribute the most to sport- and exercise related traits?

They both contribute to sport- and exercise related traits.

What does the mastermix in a PCR reaction comprise of?

  • Forward and reverse primers (bind at both ends of the DNA single strand)
  • Taq polymerase (synthesizes a DNA double strand)
  • Nucleotides
  • Buffer (with Mg2+)

What controls the reactions in PCR?

Heat, just heat.

What are the three main steps in PCR?

  1. Denaturation (splitting double strand)
  2. Annealing (binding of primers)
  3. Extension (binding of Taq polymerase)

How can products of PCR be seperated for analysis?

  • gel-elektroforesis
  • DNA-sequencing

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