SQL Expressions
24 important questions on SQL Expressions
Can expressions be used in ORDER BY statements? and GROUP BY statements?
How are exact values internally represented in MySQL?
How are approximate values internally represented in MySQL?
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What is the standard string quoting character in MySQL?
What is the second function of || besides logical OR?
What determines the equality of two non-binary strings?
What determines the equality of two binary strings?
Name three parts of a SELECT statement that are affected by collation and character set?
What is the MySQL default character set?
What is the default MySQL collation?
What functions returns the amount of characters in a string?
What function returns the byte length of a string?
When is a LIKE statement a binary comparison?
How do you change the escape character of a LIKE statement?
How can you check for NULL values?
Are null values distinct?
Is NULL IN(list) valid with NULL in the list?
What is ROUND(-2.85E01)?
What function returns if a numeric value is positive or negative?
What does the CONCAT_WS function do?
What is the difference between CONCAT and CONCAT_WS?
CONCAT always returns null when null in list
Why should you not use the PASSWORD() function?
Name three encryption methods that provide two way encryption?
What happens when a comment starts with /*!
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