Oral hygiene education - individualization of effective oral hygiene - adults

4 important questions on Oral hygiene education - individualization of effective oral hygiene - adults

In which 3 catogories of needs-related oral hygiene can we place adults?

1. Adults without periodontitis
2. Adults with the first symptoms of mild periodontitis
3. Adults with more severe periodontitis

Which instructions do we give adults without periodontitis? 9no pocket deeper than 3mm)

  • Basis of oral hygiene: careful tooth brushing- even in case of high incidence of caries
  • for caries control, supplementary measure are then needed

Which instructions do we give adults whom the first symptoms of mild periodontitis occur?(pocket up to 5mm)

  • Basis of oral hygiene: careful tooth brushing
  • interdental cleaning: on the affected areas of the teeth
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Which instructions do we give adults with more severe periodontitis?(pockets deeper than 5mm)

  • Basis brushing instruction
  • instruction overall interdental cleaning

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