Brushing methods - different brushing methods

7 important questions on Brushing methods - different brushing methods

For which patients would we advice the bass method?

  • To remove the biofilm adjacent(aangrenzend)  to and remove just below the gingival margin
  • exposed root surfaces
  • who have had periodontal surgery

What is the methodology for the roll method?

  1. The brush is placed against the gumline with the side of the bristles in the apical direction with the end of the filaments on the gingiva
  2. light pressure
  3. rolling motion from the gum to the tooth by rotating with the wrist
  4. repeat 5 times in the same place

What are the limitations of roll method?

  • Injuring the alveolar mucosa if the brush is placed to high
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What is the target when using the modified stillmann method?

The goal is to avoid trauma to the gingiva

What is the metholdology for the modified Stillmann method?

  1. The brush is placed with the side of the bristles in the apical direction against the gumline
  2. with light pressure, small circular movements are made
  3. then with a rolling motion to occlusal the brushing is completed at the site
  4. the lingual surfaces of teh front elements are cleaned by tearning the brush to a vertical position as in the bass method

What are the limitation to the modified Stillmann method?

  • Danger of injuring the gingiva if the brush is placed carelessly
  • if too fast movements: insufficient cleaning

What is the methodology of the charters method?

  1. The bristles of the brush are held toward the incisal or occlusal plane
  2. rotate the brush at 45 anlge toward the incisal or occlusal plane
  3. place the brush on the transition between the free gingival margin and the tooth surface
  4. press lightly on the bristles and vibrate the brush making sure the bristles stay in contact with the tooth surface
    1. performe this for 10sec

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