Caries prevention with chlorhexidine - chlorhexidine

4 important questions on Caries prevention with chlorhexidine - chlorhexidine

Why is chlorhexidine the most effective antimicrobial agent?

  • Addition to mechanical plaque removal
  • substantivity is higher ( attraction between..;pos charged adherens to neg charged surfaces in the mouth; also adherens to bacteria)

When do we use a chlorhexidine treatment for?

Reduction of dental plaque, gingibitis or stomatitis(mondontsteking)

What are the applications of chlorhexidine?

  • Rinse 2 times a day with 0.1 to 0.2%
  • Spray 2 times a day with 0.1 to 0.2%
  • 2 times daily brushing with 1% chlorhexidine
  • (2 per maand?)
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What are the side effects of CHX,

  • Disscoloration
  • bad taste
  • loss of taste sensation
  • redness, swelling and pain
  • swelling of the parotis

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