Intro lesson

5 important questions on Intro lesson

What are the limitations with the definition of health by the biomedical community?

  • It ignores the social, emotional, environmental and spiritual aspect of overall health
  • it is based on western medicine and does not reflect alternative ways of preventing or treating illnesses

What is oral health?

Is the state of the mouth, teeth and orofacial structures that enables individuals to perform essential functions and encompasses psychosocial dimensions

Which structural level within healthcare is this?

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What is the function of the 'scope of dental hygiene practise'?

The profession dental hygienist is responsible to provide only those services allowed within the scope of the practice outlined within the dental hygiene practice act of belgium

What are the three categories of preventive services?

A. Primary-> measures carried out before disease occurs to prevent disease or injury
B. Secondary->screening to identify diseases in the earliest stages
C. Tertiary -> aims to reduce the effects of the  disease once established in an individual

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