Toothbrushes - the manual toothbrush

6 important questions on Toothbrushes - the manual toothbrush

What are the parts of a toothbrush?

Handle-shaft-head-brush surface (heel-toe)
handle: the part you hold in your hand
head: the working end
shaft: the part taht connect the handle to the head

What is the total length of a manual toothbrush?


What is the height of bristles or filaments?

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Why dont we recommend a hard toothbrush?

-greater chance of brushing trauma
-more likely to have gum recessions

What are factors affecting toothbrush choice?

A. Patient
B. Gingiva
C. Position of the teeth
D. Compliance
E. Selected method

What are the pros of using nylon bristles?

  • Effective cleaning of the cervical areas, proximally and marginally
  • less traumatic to the gums
  • can be placed in the sulcus
  • safer for the powerful polisher
  • recommended for painful gingivitis or after surgery

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