Communtiy Dental Health
79 important questions on Communtiy Dental Health
Purpose of community dental health
Reach as many people as possible with the least cost
Professional Roles of the Dental Hygienist
Differences in Community dental health practices and private practices
team approach Individual practitioner
Setting in community Setting in private office
- Higher grades + faster learning
- Never study anything twice
- 100% sure, 100% understanding
Parallel Procedures between community and private practice
Analysis Diagnosis
Program Planning Treatment Planning
Program Operation or Implementation Treatment
Program Funding Payment for Service
Evaluation/Appraisal Evaluation
Public Health Problem is what
Public Health Solution is what
Characteristics of Public Health Solution
effectively prevents or reduces the targeted disease
easily and efficiently implemented
potency maintained for a substantial time period
attainable regardless of socioeconomic status
effective immediately upon application
affordable, cost-effective, and within means of community
Core public health functions
Policy Development
Core public health Policy Development function
Core public health Assurance function
encouraging actions
requiring action
directly providing services
International level of community dental health program
treatment needs for international populations with minimal equipment
World Health Organization (WHO)
Federal level of community dental health program
developed Healthy People 2020
works in junction with Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a funding source
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) source of workforce funding
State level of community dental health program
Applies for federal funds-block grants, Medicaid funds
Local level of community dental health program
funded by state and federal levels and grants
initiates dental health legislative measures (fluoridation)
Quantitative data is what
What is the epidemiologic triangle and what is included
they all have a part that interacts with disease outcomes
Order the occurrence of disease from smallest to largest
Name the 6 types of epidemiologic studies
Experimental Research Studies (Clinical Trial)
used to test hypotheses concerning prevention or control and treatment of disease
cause and effect (causation/causality)
use of control group and a treatment group that are randomized
something has to happen
has to involve more than 1 group
Ex: Hypothesis testing of the effect of using a power toothbrush versus a manual toothbrush on brushing frequency and gingivitis
Steps of the research process
Develop the hypothesis
Design the research plan
Collect Data - Implementation of project
Analyze and interpret data
Draw conclusions
Judgmental or Purposive Sample
Define Double Blind Study
Steps of Surveys versus Clinical Trials
large representative sample Small non-representative sample
cross-sectional Longitudinal
General methods Specific, controlled methods
Establish prevalence Test hypothesis
Four types of Biostatistical Data
Discrete Biostatistical Data
Continuous Biostatistical Data
Probe reading, BP
Categorical Biostatistical Data
race, sex
Dichotomous Biostatistical Data
Location of mode, mean and median on a skew curve
mean is closest to the low flat part of curve
median is between the two
Statistical ANOVA is what
more letters=more scores
Statistical Chi-square test is what
P Value significance
smaller the p value in relation to .05, the greater the significance
Specificity in relation to dental indices
DMFT/DMFS indices
coronal caries in Permanent teeth
DMFS is more sensitive, more surfaces
Does not include 3rd molars, congenitally missing teeth, unerupted teeth, removed or restored for other reasons then caries
Df, def, dmf indicies
coronal caries of Primary teeth
Never combine DMFT and df for mixed dentition. treat separately
Indices used to identify Periodontal Disease
Indices used to identify Oral Hygiene Status
Community Fluorosis Index (CFI) Normal
enamel presents the usual translucent structure; surface is smooth, glossy and usually pale creamy white
Community Fluorosis Index (CFI) Questionable
enamel has few white flecks to occasional white spots
Community Fluorosis Index (CFI) Very Mild
small, opaque, paper-white areas scattered irregularly over the tooth but not involving as much as 25% of surface or just the edge of cusps on posteriors
Community Fluorosis Index (CFI) Severe
all surfaces affected and show hypoplasia, pitting may appear, brown spots are widespread and teeth may look corroded
Primary prevention for Community program planning
Secondary prevention for Community program planning
Tertiary prevention for Community program planning
Order of approach for community programs
First step in planning community programs
Purpose of assessing community needs
size, geographics, diversity, baseline data, priority problems and availability
National Oral Health Surveillance System's role and meaning of Surveillance
operated by CDC; measures disease and conditions to evaluate progress on Healthy People 2020
ongoing systemic collection, analysis and interpretation of outcome specific health related data needed for planning, implementation and evaluation of public health practice
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
data provided by the NOHSS
Common Dental trends in the U.S.
untreated tooth decay
higher treatment needs
Oral and pharyngeal cancer
Need for medicaid dental coverage
preventative dental visits
dental sealants
Data to analyze in a community needs assessment (the what)
infrastructure- ability to provide programs
access to care
barriers to care
culture of population
Second step in community planning (APIE)
Object of Planning step
effective interventions- such as sealant programs, fluoride programs
screenings for dental treatments
oral health education
Optimal fluoride level for water and compounds used
sodium silicofluoride, sodium fluoride, hydrofluorosilicic acid
Block grants for funding resources
Grants for funding resources
Title I for funding resources
Medicaid for funding resources ( Title XIX )
Medicare for funding resources ( Title XVIII )
CHIP for funding resources ( Title XXI )
state/federal program to provide comprehensive health care coverage to children of low income families who are above the Medicaid income level
Head Start for funding resources
Dental HPSA for funding resources
Private dental insurance payment for funding resources
COBRA- allows past employees to continue health plan if sudden termination
Third step of community Programming (APIE)
Purpose of Implementation in community programming
formative evaluation- process evaluation to adjust program as needed
pilot test- conducting a program with a smaller group of people first to test (trialrun)
Fourth step of community Programming ( APIE)
Purpose of Evaluation as part of community programming
analyze whether or not goals and objectives were met
evaluation should be ongoing from the beginning of program
Order of Health Belief Model constructs
2-perceived severity
3-perceived benefits
4-perceived barriers
5-cue to action
Stages of Learning Ladder
( Ugly Apes Sit In A Hut )
Unawareness stage of learning ladder
Awareness stage of learning ladder
Involvement stage of learning ladder
Action stage of learning ladder
Habit stage of learning ladder
Community Organization Theory
incorporates empowerment- involving and activating community towards common goal
Assessing a Lesson Plan
Learning experiences to use on a Lesson Plan
informal- brochures, billboards
teach as you go
use past forms that have worked
Implementation for a Lesson Plan
ask learners if they understand before moving on and observe reactions
Evaluation of a Lesson Plan
Summative- evaluation of outcomes using baseline data
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
- Never study anything twice again
- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding